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Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success.

Each child arrives at Moorwell Miracles with a number of experiences, ideas and pre-conceived knowledge based on what they have been taught and experienced so far. The idea of cultural capital is that children will have their experiences broadened within the setting and be opened to a new world of learning and wonder, particularly where children are from a more disadvantaged home-life.

Ofsted says:

"As part of making a judgement about the quality of education, our inspectors will consider how well leaders use the curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to children, particularly the most disadvantaged... Settings should allow children to experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the seven areas of learning."

What Moorwell Miracles does, through its EYFS curriculum and interactions with practitioners, potentially makes all the difference for children. It is the role of the setting to help children experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the 7 areas of learning.

At Moorwell Miracles, we:

  • Find books on a child’s favourite topic

  • Trips to local amenities such as the post office, bank and supermarket

  • Trying a variety of fruits

  • Teaching them about a variety of faiths and religious celebrations

  • Teaching them about cultural events such as saint days (i.e St Patrick's Day, St David's Day, St George's Day, etc.)

  • Creating role-play activities that further their interest in a particular idea

  • Taking trips to the park

  • Organising visits from community figures such as the police

*Our Policies and Procedures are currently under annual review, they will be finalised and uploaded ASAP. The hardcopy folder of policies is available directly from nursery. If you have any further queries, please contact a member of our management team.

These documents and the information contained within, is the sole property of Moorwell Miracles Nursery, and should not be distributed without prior permission. They should neither be replicated or reproduced as this would be a copyright infringement.

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