Training & Ratios
Moorwell Miracles Nursery works on a +1 ratio thus ensuring we have additional members of staff in the nursery on a permanent basis. This is over and above the required ratio set by Ofsted, however, we believe it’s imperative to allow the wider team to fulfill their duties properly and give the children the care they require. It also allows each of our practitioners the time to ensure they undertake all daily feedback, observations, summative assessments, priority learning outcomes and next steps to allow the parents to understand how their children are progressing.
Room (Age Range)
Government Ratio
Snowdrops (0-2 years)
Bluebells (2-3 years)
Tulips (3-5 years)
Daffodils (3-5 years)
We pride ourselves in having a highly qualified staff team and have a limited number of apprentices employed in our entire staff team of professionals. All our staff members undertake initial training as part of the induction process in the following areas:
British Values & PREVENT Duty
EYFS and Birth to 5 Matters
Level 2 Food Hygiene
Paediatric First Aid