Moorwell Miracles’ last OFSTED inspection was on 10 October 2019 and we expect to be inspected again within a 6 year window. We have been working hard to improve upon our targets set and are striving for the Outstanding grading.
We have highly qualified staff members working above the government ratio regulations, ensuring children receive the best quality of care. The Nursery Management Team are supernumerary to oversee consistency of practice and ensure all the children’s individual needs and learning outcomes are met.
Early childhood care plays a vital role in children’s development which has always been at the very heart of what we do. We encourage and support your child(ren) in all areas of their development, thereby helping to create individuals who are confident and creative builders of their own outstanding futures.
Click here to view our most recent OFSTED report
What is it like to attend Moorwell Miracles Nursery and what do we do well?
The manager and staff skillfully and quickly identify children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work closely with parents and outside agencies to ensure children receive the additional support they require to meet their individual needs. This successful approach, alongside funding being spent wisely, helps to close any gaps in children's learning. For example, the introduction of visual aids, including sand timers, helps children to begin to learn how to wait patiently for their turn. This supports children's good behaviour. Staff also use props, including puppets, with younger children and those children who are more reluctant to talk. This promotes and encourages their early communication and language skills.
Children's all-round development is promoted as they engage in a wide range of outdoor play opportunities. Babies have their own separate play area where they safely explore and investigate. Older children's physical skills develop as they learn to balance on climbing equipment and planks of wood. They have fun riding scooters and bicycles, learning to safely negotiate space as they ride around other children playing. Children are encouraged to learn how to safely climb up the slide and to slide down feet first so that they do not injure themselves. Children use their imagination and creativity as they explore paint and paint pictures.