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Thank you for everything you have done for C. We couldn’t have wished for a better nursery!

Thank you to you all for all the amazing work you put in for all the children! We have loved every minute of being here and will continue to recommend the nursery. The end of an era!

Thank you for my Moorwell Miracles journey. I have made lots of memories and friends along the way, which I am very grateful for. I will miss you all but it’s time for me to grow and start a new chapter at Holme Valley school.

Where do I begin? You are nothing short of a real life angel. I cannot begin to tell you how reassured and happy it makes us feel knowing how safe and loved you’ve kept our little boy.  Your team are all superstars and all a credit to you. You and the girls make Moorwell what it is, and you should be so proud! Thank you for setting E up for his next amazing chapter and for all your kindness, love and help. We will miss you so much.

Thank you so much for everything you have all done for J during his time at nursery. He has always loved coming to ‘school’ and as a parent it makes it so much easier knowing that your child is happy all day. A special thanks to all of the staff in Pre-School, J has come on in leaps and bounds this year due to all of the fantastic things that you do with the children. We and J will miss you all.

Thank you so much for everything you have done over the 3 and a half years. I’ve loved my time with you and you’ve all helped me to grow and learn. I will miss you when I go to school!

The amazing team of ‘Moorwell Miracles’ – thank you for being the Mummy’s to T whilst he spent an amazing year and a half with you. You have given him great confidence and fabulous memories. Forever grateful.

Moorwell Miracles and the staff there have been a huge part in helping mould my little girl. I will be forever grateful. You’re all fantastic!

Thank you so much for being my little girls second family. She has always got a smile on her face thanks to you.

Well how do I begin? Firstly thank you! You have been such a big part in both the girls’ lives. You go above and beyond and for that we will be forever grateful.

Thank you so much to everyone at Moorwell Miracles. You have a great team there and we had no hesitation in signing up our second child. You really went above and beyond when you looked after F at short notice to enable me to be at the hospital for the birth of my second child. I'll be eternally grateful for that.

Thank you all so much for helping me raise my funny, sassy and confident little lady. Thank you for making me feel reassured when in your care. We will miss you all so much.

There really aren’t words to thank you enough! I can’t even begin to tell you how easy you have made it to leave my baby from 9 months old to 4 years old. C absolutely loves you guys! She’ll miss you and so will I.

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